"Turn temperature controls off" I say into the wall.
"Temperature controls off" It responds, and I hear the ventilation ducts close. I say goodbye to my pet, a tame ocelot cub, and then jump out of the window on the 215th floor of the sapphire tower. I love the feeling of free fall. I wait until the very last second to deploy my wings, and then rocket off to the spaceport. Did I mention I'm going on vacation? I'm headed to Kepler 186f, a popular tourist destination, because of it's natural oxygen atmosphere, natural oceans, and really nice coral reefs and white sand beaches. Of course all of the plants and the fish and all the life there came with the humans, but life there took off because of the fertile soil and the fresh water. I land on the steps of the spaceport, and head in. I check my gate, and then head to security. Obviously, I am not carrying anything dangerous. I get to the gate just in time to board. I am escorted down a long set of stairs to the underground docks of the star ships. I am pointed to a black Osprey Starlines ship, capable of reaching 547 times the speed of light. As I walk up the stairs into it's hull, a flight attendant tells me it will be a five hour flight, spending two hours with the warp drive activated. The interior is pretty nice, and with this vacation being paid for by the company I work for, I get a first class seat on the bottom of the star ship, where I will be able to see the earth when we ascend, and Kepler 186f when we descend. The door of the star ship closes, and the cabin pressurizes. The fusion core of the star ship fires, and little nuclear jets on the bottom of the hull fire, lifting us up. There is a jet right under my window, and I can faintly make out it's blue glow. When we leave the atmosphere, the massive nuclear jet at the back of the star ship fires, pushing us to earth escape velocity. Right as we leave, I see an orbital colony pass by, spinning quickly. Our route takes us by Mars, and I see the red planet right as the announcement is made that we are heading in to warp speed. The warp drive fires, and I see space around me start to bend. I do not feel any acceleration, but I still know that I am now hurtling towards my destination at faster then the speed of light.

photo credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/24662369@N07/4426654941">NASA Blue Marble 2007 West</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">(license)</a>