Saturday, March 14, 2015

A Pi Day slice about Pie March 14

Pie is delicious. No matter what is inside of it, if it is a pie, it has to be good. These are my favorite pie fillings: Cherry, Peach, Coconut Cream, Pecan, Pumpkin, Raspberry, Blueberry, Strawberry Rhubarb, Apple, Blackberry, Lemon, Banana Cream, and Key Lime. I know, that is practically every kind of pie, but it is true. I like every flavor of pie. My sister makes extremely good pies, and she makes pies for special occasions such as thanksgiving or a party. Even though all of her pies are dessert pies, I also like meat pies and Quiches. This is my theory about pies: If you put a filling inside dough formed to be a pie, it has to be extremely delicious.
photo credit: <a href="">Cherry Pie</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>


  1. I agree! Pie is delicious not matter what's inside the dough! I could go for any of those right now. Were you able to have pie today?

  2. I'm not that big of a Pie fan (except for key lime!). I'm more of a Pi fan. It looks like you have gotten into the kidnaping turtle business.


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