Thursday, March 26, 2015

Doughnuts March 27

A doughnut (or donut) is an amazing thing. Imagine a roll, deep fried, with a hole in the middle, and covered in frosting. It is the perfect dessert. Feel in the mood for something creamy? Get a cream filled doughnut. Feel like chocolate? Get a chocolate doughnut. Feel like something fruity? Get a jelly doughnut. All doughnuts are delicious. My favorite doughnuts are jelly doughnuts or maple doughnuts. If you are willing to wait in line, you should get Voodoo Doughnuts, because they are complex, beautiful, and delicious. I prefer doughnuts to cake because there are so many kinds of doughnuts and all of them are good. Doughnuts are the perfect dessert, so eat more doughnuts!!!!!!!
photo credit: <a href="">DONUT WANT</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>


  1. I would like, a cream filled chocolate covered donut please! :) Cool slice!

  2. OM NOM NOM!!!! May I please have 2344523452346543265 donuts. 3535235432 of them being choclate, 43355254 of them glazed, and 8067294579 sugar raised? Thanks. What is that you say? The cost is 797089708979087908708709879087 dollars? Thats okay. Charge it to the computer maker Apple.


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