Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring March 30

Spring is finally here. The official start of spring was the 20th, but now that we are on spring break, I really know it's arrived. It's started to warm up, and the grass is starting to turn green. We have already had the first rain, instead of snow, and our crabapple tree is starting to bud. Spring is one of the best seasons. I am a big fan of winter, but you just get tired of it being cold, and dark, and want it to warm up. Spring is a season of colorful flowers and warm, bright, sun. Spring makes you want to get outside and enjoy it. Spring is just as much a feeling as a season. It is a feeling of happiness, cheerfulness, and longing all combined into one. It is the feeling I get on the first day of summer swim team, the day when I get to see some of my friends on swim team for the first time since last summer. It is the feeling of warm rain and thunder. Spring is a wonderful time of year, and it is here right now.
photo credit: <a href="">Jardin botanique - Montréal</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

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This is my blog. I hope you like it.