Monday, February 2, 2015

Through the Woods

Through the Woods
Through the Woods is a graphic novel with five short stories, that are all creepy in some way or another. The stories varied in length, and some were very long, and some were short. They also varied in scariness, with one not being that scary or creepy, and one that was pretty creepy. They were all very good and enjoyable. This book was extremely short, which was kind of disappointing because it was really good. I would recommend this book for anyone who likes creepy things, or for someone who likes graphic novels. Because this book is not that long, it would make a good book for a week when you are extremely busy. This book would be good for ages ten and up, because it is not that hard of a read, and it does not have that many mature concepts.


  1. this sounds interesting but I don't really like graphic novels.

  2. So glad you liked it, Jack. It's okay to be short; books can still be wonderful. I'm excited to read this after that long list who are waiting!

  3. I am glad that you liked it. Would you recommend it for me?

  4. Through the Woods sounds like a good book. Did you find the book too scary?


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