Friday, March 27, 2015

Cat videos March 28

Cat videos
Cat videos have taken over the internet. If you type cat into google, cat videos are the fourth option in the I'm feeling lucky bar, under cat, cats, and Cat Stevens. I am a big fan of cat videos. Cat videos express the feeling of having a cat, except it does more funny things in the video. Cat videos show that cats have personalities, and I would guess a ton of cats have been adopted from shelters because of cat videos. They also show that cats are funny, cute, and you can laugh at them. Isn't the whole point of pets to give you something to laugh at when they do something dumb? In this slice, I will show you some of the best cat videos I've watched.

I hope you enjoy these videos, even though some of them might be kind of long.


  1. Oh my gosh, I love that cat sail video, it's hilarious!!!!!!

  2. I thought I would just watch a little bit, but couldn't stop watching, Jack. So funny.

  3. I love cats. when I saw the title for this slice. I couldn't pass up a chance to seeing some videos.

  4. I love the sail vid as well! These were fantastic!!!! Great slice. :) ;) Im a cat lover too. :)

  5. That is cool! My flash is out-of-date, so I can't watch it, but I like your description!


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