Thursday, March 12, 2015

Rain March 13

I miss rain. I miss falling asleep to the sound of quiet drumming on the roof. I miss having to get out of the pool at swim team because of a crash of lightning, and instead watching videos on a computer. I miss when the tennis courts at our pool fill up with water. If I think about it, I realize how crazy the idea of rain is. Rain is basically small droplets of water falling from the sky at terminal velocity, but it doesn't hurt at all. It is sometimes accompanied by flashes of extremely high voltage electricity, which are hotter than the surface of the sun. No matter how crazy the idea of rain is, it is still incredible, and I miss it. Living in Denver, we don't get that much rain in the summer, never mind the winter. In march here, all of the rain freezes and turns into snow, which will make you cold and wet, not just wet. I am already looking forward to the first time it rains this spring.


  1. I too love the rain and miss it greatly. Nice slice!

  2. I think we all miss the rain a little.

  3. Me too! I loved the repetition, and poetic feel. Nice slice!


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