Friday, March 6, 2015

Snow March 6


It's cold, it's soft, and it falls from the sky. Snow is amazing. I have many questions about snow, such as why you can't make it at home, or why it is so much more common than hail when hail is just frozen water, but I kind of don't want to have them answered. Part of the magic of snow is that I don't know the answers of these questions. It remains sort of mystical. There are many memories I am reminded of when I think of snow. These are some of them: Waking up in the morning to see the front yard blanketed in white, Skiing on a powder day and making the first trails in the pristine surface, and also sledding off of a jump, and getting airborne for some time before smashing into the hard surface underneath me. I also have bad memories about snow, like when I lost a ski pole in it. Overall, I just think we need more snow (cue the groans from people who get too cold easily) .
photo credit: <a href="">IMG_0356a</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>


  1. I like how you expressed your opinion on snow. Nice slice!

  2. I liked the subject of your slice and your description.

  3. Great to see all these different points about snow. Lots of people I'm reading on my other slices are talking about snow today, and not happily. They live in the northeast!


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