Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Hurricane March 22

The Hurricane
If this was not bad luck, I don't know what is. For the first time ever in recorded history, the island of Hawaii would be struck by a hurricane. It had to be exactly when we were on vacation. Not only that, it would be followed two days later by another hurricane. The first one, Iselle, was a category four hurricane at sea, and was degraded to category three when it made landfall. When it arrived, we were on the side it was hitting and had to drive to the other side of the island. After being stuck in traffic in Hilo, we finally made it to the other side. Even though the sky was blue, the wind was gusting at really fast speeds, and there was a wall of clouds coming over the island. When we made it to our house, the weather report forecast fifteen foot waves and torrential rain. We watched as massive waves rolled in on the other side of the island, accompanied by wind and rain. In the morning, the wind was gone, and there had been no rain. The weather channel got it completely wrong. Two days later, Hurricane Julio had veered off course and missed the island.
photo credit: <a href="">The Roiling Clouds of Katrina</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>


  1. Sounds like it was good luck after all! Glad most everything worked out!


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