Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Thanksgiving March 5

Our house is chaos. People are running everywhere in the kitchen carrying things like knives, apples, and bowls, making sure the food is done in time. I am lying on my bed with nothing to do. I only have to cook one thing, and it doesn't take too long to make. The turkey comes out of the oven, and then it is my turn to make deviled eggs.
"I hope the dog doesn't eat them this time" I say to Sarah, who is putting a pie in the oven. Before long, the deviled eggs are done, and I go back to lying on the bed. Soon, our guests arrive. An hour later, it is time to eat. I sit down, and then begin to enjoy the feast in front of me.
photo credit: <a href="">PB223413-001</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

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